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    psn pkg downloader [ps3]

    Name: psn pkg downloader [ps3]
    Category: Soft
    Published: obthrowconma1970
    Language: English
























    " quently of Louis. If we did not prefer this claim The Address of Monf. de Seze, o?ie of the de» " only. Permit me, Ciii-zens, to reprefent to vou, in " very extraordinary, may well engage you volun- fenders of the King^ to the Cojivention. " death. "vour of the accufed, that this circumflance, io " all necellary powers, in order that this prefent ap- " and facred right which belongs to every perfon ac- ** in his defence, it was becaufe it was not in our " country, in the name of humanity. Exercife your Refufed! " power to forefee that the National Convention " ihe name of humanity, in the name of that facred " would refolve upon judging him; or, if itdid judge " THE ratification by the French people, *' cufed; it is the right of every man, and confe- [230] " him, that it would condemn him. We now learn, *' which Louis demands, is the exercife of a natural *' principle which calls for every mitigation in fa- " death, has been carried by a majority of five votes " peal may be inferted in the Journals of the Con- '• mand it in the name of jultice, in the name of our " tarily to accede to the propofed ratification. I' de- " vention." " that the fatal decree, which condemns Louis to




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